AI in Drug Development: Hype or Reality?

This discussion between VeriSIM Life and experts at Pfizer, Bayer and Janssen explores how adopting AI and deep technology to the R&D process reduces costs and accelerates time to market whilst maintaining safety.

This discussion between VeriSIM Life and experts at Pfizer, Bayer and Janssen explores how adopting AI and deep technology to the R&D process reduces costs and accelerates time to market whilst maintaining safety.

Key themes include:

• Identifying the most common barriers preventing the successful adoption of AI initiatives for drug development in small and large organizations

• Comparing the challenges with applying AI to determine safety and efficacy: Small molecule vs. large molecule candidates

• Understanding how general and deterministic systems approach PK/PD/E predictions differently: What are the impacts?

• AI adoption and the impacts of user interfaces (UI and UX) on different user groups

• Overcoming data capture, accessibility and analytic challenges: Ensuring availability of accurate, usable data for generation and prediction