An AI Approach to Generating MIDD Assets Across the Drug Development Continuum

Jeffrey S Barrett(1) · Rahul K Goyal(2) · Jogarao Gobburu(3) · Szczepan Baran(4) · Jyotika Varshney(4)

Originally published in The AAPS Journal (2023) 25:70  


Model-informed drug development involves developing and applying exposure-based, biological, and statistical models  derived from preclinical and clinical data sources to inform drug development and decision-making. Discrete models are  generated from individual experiments resulting in a single model expression that is utilized to inform a single stage-gate  decision. Other model types provide a more holistic view of disease biology and potentially disease progression depending  on the appropriateness of the underlying data sources for that purpose. Despite this awareness, most data integration and  model development approaches are still reliant on internal (within company) data stores and traditional structural model types.  An AI/ML-based MIDD approach relies on more diverse data and is informed by past successes and failures including data  outside a host company (external data sources) that may enhance predictive value and enhance data generated by the sponsor to reflect more informed and timely experimentation. The AI/ML methodology also provides a complementary approach to  more traditional modeling efforts that support MIDD and thus yields greater fidelity in decision-making. Early pilot studies support this assessment but will require broader adoption and regulatory support for more evidence and refinement of  this paradigm. An AI/ML-based approach to MIDD has the potential to transform regulatory science and the current drug  development paradigm, optimize information value, and increase candidate and eventually product confidence with respect  to safety and efficacy. We highlight early experiences with this approach using the AI compute platforms as representative  examples of how MIDD can be facilitated with an AI/ML approach. 

Keywords artificial intelligence · clinical pharmacology · MIDD 

Guest Editors: Lawrence Yu, Hao Zhu and Qi Liu 

Jefrey S Barrett  

1 Aridhia Bioinformatics, 163 Bath Street, Glasgow,  Scotland G2 4SQ, UK 

2 Center for Translational Medicine, University of Maryland  Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 

3 Pumas-AI, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 

4 VeriSim Life, San Francisco, California, USA


Model-informed drug development (MIDD) is an approach  that involves developing and applying exposure-based,  biological, and statistical models derived from preclinical and clinical data sources to inform drug development and  decision-making. MIDD was formally recognized in Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) VI. There have been  many regulatory applications of MIDD to address a variety  of drug development and regulatory questions. Likewise,  pharmaceutical sponsors have been investing in the approach  to ensure that MIDD capabilities meet regulatory expectations and fulfill the needs of the various project teams  that rely on the approach to de-risk stage-gate decision and  maintain documentation and transparency for regulatory  authorities. As pharmaceutical sponsors have invested in  MIDD for 20 or more years in some cases, there is better  quantitative data on the impact of the approach, its efficiency  in decision-making, and its impact on drug development in  general. Most of these factors lead to a very positive conclusion regarding the approach. But still, the question remains,  can we do it better and more efficiently? 

The scope of this review is to describe the current MIDD  approach in the context of the data, model types, and decision value across the drug development continuum in com parison to the evolving use of AI/ML to inform various  aspects of drug development. The primary objective is to  consider an AI/ML-based approach which is either complementary to or entirely self-sufficient to inform stage-gate  decision-making in a manner comparative to the current  MIDD paradigm with some discussion regarding how ROI  (return on investment) can be further enhanced with some  discussion about future requirements to enhance regulatory  acceptance and more dedicated investment for this purpose  by pharmaceutical sponsors. It is also important and relevant  that non-AI stakeholders are able to assess the value of the  approach and are integrated into the ecosystem that interprets and endorses the approach from both an MIDD and a  decision-making perspective. 

Traditional MIDD Data Flow and Parallel Model  Development 

Model-informed drug development (MIDD) is an approach  that involves developing and applying exposure-based, biological, and statistical models derived from preclinical and clinical  data sources to inform drug development and decision-making  [1, 2]. Most discrete models are generated from individual  experiments or preclinical/clinical trials resulting in a model  expression that is utilized to inform an individual stage-gate  decision (see Fig. 1). In the preclinical arena, most of the effort is focused on two main themes. Primarily, the emphasis  is based on creating a rationale for target candidates to fulfill requirements to treat an unmet medical need as defined in  the target product profile (TPP). In addition to experiments  that generate data designed to assess a candidate molecule’s drugability and desired ADME properties, some notion of a  preclinical proof-of-concept (POC) is conducted. Secondary  to the preclinical POC, a battery of safety pharmacology and  toxicology studies that determine if a candidate molecule is  adequately safe to pursue clinical phase testing in humans is conducted. Single- (acute) and multiple-dose (chronic) toxicology and toxicokinetic studies are conducted in multiple species  as part of this effort. Complementary to the pharmacology and  toxicology studies that help to project the human therapeutic  window and justify the FIH dosing strategy and early clinical  development plan are experiments that support the development of early formulations. Table I summarizes the data (types  and dimensions), model types, and decisions to inform across  the drug development continuum with a traditional MIDD  approach implemented. 

Each of these experiments is often informed by models  that help define the experimental design, sampling scheme,  and sample size at a minimum. Most of the inputs (data)  for these models are generated by the sponsor themselves  either from the active drug substance’s chemical attributes or  early in vitro or in vivo experiments. There exists a sequential nature to the design and conduct of these experiments  such that early experiments often are used to refine these  models and help design the next phase of testing. For small  molecules and most therapeutic proteins, there is an implicit  relationship that defines the dose ➔ exposure ➔ response  sequence that is unique to the drug substance being developed. It is the implicit goal of the sponsor to quantify this  relationship in as rapid a manner as possible and accelerate  favorable candidates to the next phase of testing or abandon those with unfavorable characteristics in the so-called  “quick kill” approach. Efficiency in this effort is facilitated  by adopting the MIDD approach. Evidence to the benefit of  the MIDD approach for this purpose has been previously  published by both pharmaceutical sponsors themselves [3–5]  and regulatory authorities [6–9]. 

Likewise, clinical phase testing encourages the continuation of this approach with more emphasis on human patient level PK/PD evaluation with additional knowledge of the  formulation properties of what hopefully will be the final  market image (route, dosage form, and strengths to be submitted/approved). Linkage between parameters that define the PD response and endpoints that will represent the basis  for approval if warranted is also sought. The same sequential flow is still in place and expected (one or more trials inform ing models that inform the next phase of testing) but there is  also the occasion to introduce other data types potentially as  a compound moves into later phases of clinical evaluation  (phases 2 and 3). Such sources may also have been generated  outside of the host company (natural history data, claims  data, and other RWD sources that help define the standard  of care of the patient population). The rationale for their  inclusion in various MIDD modeling assets is based on the  information value they at least theoretically bring to refining  the expected clinical performance in the target population. 

Other model types provide a more holistic view of dis ease biology and potentially disease progression depending  on the appropriateness of the underlying data sources for  that purpose. More recently, there is a growing awareness  of the benefit of integrating various discrete model types  both from the standpoint of shared and integrated data as  well as the development of structural models and diverse  but complementary model types that support a broader set of  stage-gate decisions. These model types are developed with  less frequency as they often reflect more multidisciplinary  investment and buy-in and occasionally require input (data  and intellectual contributions) from external subject matter  experts as well. This level of engagement may require contractual relationships including confidentiality obligations  which can extend timelines and potentially incur delays that  impact their effectiveness at informing stage-gate decisions. 

An important baseline for the current MIDD approach  applied to the traditional drug development paradigm is that  MIDD is applied based on regulatory timelines dictated by  the IND and NDA process that has not changed much over the last 30 years with respect to the content expectations. These content requirements necessitate that the sponsors  plan and conduct the requisite experiments and clinical trials in a certain order based on an implicit evaluation of the  probability of technical success (PTOS). The evaluation of  PTOS across the traditional phases of development suggests  that PTOS is neither consistent across the phases nor linear  over time [10]. Simply put, some phases are more risky than  others. It is appreciated by many that MIDD has improved  PTOS in all phases, but the current approach has not altered  the content of the submissions, or the timelines dictated by  the IND and NDA process in any systematic manner. 

Fig. 1 MIDD deliverables  linked to development phase  and stage-gate decisions  informed by the various model  constructs, illustrating the trend  of integrating discrete model  types

To manage the computational aspects of an MIDD  approach, sponsors either have to invest in internal compute  infrastructure or purchase computing services. Historically  and mainly motivated by IP, confidentiality, and security  considerations, most organizations initially preferred to purchase the required hardware and software maintaining their  own governance over their compute environments and, at  least in theory, facilitating the transfer of the required data  into these systems. Many constructed home-grown solutions  envisioned by their modeling community and governed by  their IT staff. Most of these have had a short lifetime, especially with many internal IT services being contracted out  over the same window of time. With the evolution of secure  and flexible cloud-based computing services, hybrid or  entirely cloud-based computing services have become more  prevalent. Figure 2 highlights the current compute environment to support traditional MIDD paradigms and exposing  the general compute infrastructure components that support  the environment. An important emphasis for this evolving  environment is how to cope with complex data types (e.g.,  digital data and various real-world data (RWD) sources) and  how to integrate disparate data types into analysis datasets.  The extent to which these various newer data types inform  an MIDD approach is currently unknown but will certainly  be a part of the future evaluation of the approach. 

Fig. 2 Environment to support traditional MIDD paradigms (a) and general compute infrastructure components to support AI/ML-enabled MIDD (b)

An AI/ML‑Based Paradigm Focused on Information  Value and Regulatory Milestones 

Artificial intelligence approaches to inform drug development are most focused at early and late stages of development mostly based on the nature and type of data generated  in these stages. At early stages of development, the chemical  space is generally viewed as comprising >1060 molecules  [11]. The virtual chemical space is vast and suggests a  geographical map of molecules by illustrating the distributions of molecules and their properties. The idea behind the  

illustration of chemical space is to collect positional information about molecules within the space to search for bioactive compounds, and thus, virtual screening helps to select  appropriate molecules for further testing. Several chemical  spaces are open access, including PubChem, ChemBank,  DrugBank, and ChemDB. 

AI is well-suited for these tasks because it can handle large volumes of data with enhanced automation. AI  involves several method domains, such as reasoning, knowledge representation, solution search, and, among them, a  fundamental paradigm of machine learning (ML). ML uses  algorithms that can recognize patterns within a set of data  that has been further classified. A subfield of the ML is deep  learning (DL), which engages artificial neural networks  (ANNs). While discovery groups are eager to leverage AL/ ML to acquire meaningful insights from the enormous data  they hold or acquire, the accuracy of the AI/ML models  depends on the volume and quality of the data used as an input for training them. Inaccurate input data results in mis leading outcomes delivered by the AI/ML models. While  automation systems can cleanse data based on explicit programming rules, it is almost impossible for them to fill in  missing data gaps without manual intervention or plugging  in additional data source feeds. However, machine learning  can make calculated assessments on missing data based on  its reading of the situation. 

The cost of bringing new drugs from bench to bedside  has become excessively steep. In identifying these trends,  AI/ML-driven in silico platforms are alluring to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry due to their multidimensional, predictive capabilities, and the associated increased efficiency. Traditional MIDD approaches have been used in  drug discovery and development over the last two decades  with the recent increase in complexity from the usage of AI/ ML-driven in silico platforms. Application opportunities for  AI/ML can be associated with all stages of drug discovery  and development, for example, drug-target validation and  engagement, identification of prognostic biomarkers and  evaluation of digitized clinical pathology data in clinical  trials, and finally high-accuracy predictions of the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and efficacy parameters from a  limited pool of physiological and pharmacological preclinical and clinical datasets. Recently, in the drug development  pipeline, AI/ML has had a marked impact in clinical trial  design, conduct, and analysis. In addition, the COVID-19  pandemic may increase the pace of the usage of AI/ML in  clinical trials due to an increased trust in digital technologies  in clinical trial design and conduct. There have been significant advances in AI/ML-driven MIDD in the context of  the drug discovery and development pipelines recently [12,  13], and many companies are at various stages of development in the use of AI/ML and even attached to data services  and platforms supporting various pharmaceutical industry  supports. Table II provides an initial landscape assessment  of companies focused on AI-based technologies to support  drug development. There is much diversity of companies  and business models with several companies utilizing AI to  identify key drug candidates internally. For this evaluation,  we will focus on a few platforms including VeriSIM Life  (VSL) and some case studies from literature to illustrate the  essentials of the approach and make comparisons with more  traditional MIDD approaches. 

Many of the companies listed in Table II contain compute  platforms through which AI/ML approaches are enabled  with connectivity to relevant data sources. VSL has developed BIOiSIMTM, an AI-enabled computational platform  that integrates MIDD-based mechanistic systems biology  modeling with AI/ML algorithms to enable an effective  data-driven decision-making engine. The platform is constantly validated by available public databases and publications, generating data with partnerships with CROs and data partnerships with national academic labs and FDA associated institutions that provide informed decision-based  models to the regulatory institutions. Classical MIDD in the  context of PK modeling typically faces several challenges:  non-adaptive simulation, insufficient data to reach accuracy,  time consumption, where the existing software is built out  one model at a time, and scalability. BIOiSIMTM addresses  many of these challenges by integrating data across diverse  compounds from public and private sources, running validation reports across these extensive datasets frequently,  scaling the software to AWS cloud, making the GUI user friendly for diverse researcher backgrounds, and utilizing  AI/ML algorithms to predict cases by imputation and adaptive simulations, where parameter values are unknown or  require extensive data collection. Other platforms have different approaches to data and model integration in the con text of decision-making but many are only focused on early  stage drug development (see Table II). 

Static vs Dynamic Framework 

Given the high attrition rate, rising costs, and time to bring  new therapeutic agents to market, newer approaches and  technologies are being incorporated into drug development  to bring in much needed efficiencies. Moreover, the translational gap increases the chances of drug failures as the  cross-functional decision-making process is highly complicated and not well-informed. Currently employed methods  are static and non-adaptive and geared towards statistical  inference only for a specific outcome (e.g., ADMET, Pop PK) than the comprehensive data-driven predictions to  make accurate, informed decisions that will help reduce  animal trials and more personalized human trials. Further more, the deployed models are not often scalable as they  are not validated thoroughly and are often biased to ft the  single-case/use scenario. Recently, the use of artificial intelligence, owing to its capability to analyze large volumes of  data and generate meaningful insights, has been increasing  in various sectors, particularly the pharmaceutical industry.  The potential of AI in the drug development pipeline from  the bench to the bedside can be imagined since it can aid  rational drug design; assist in decision-making; determine  the right therapy for a patient, including personalized medicines; and manage the preclinical and clinical datasets for  potential drug development of new chemical entities and  associated downstream predictions. One concern for AI to  be used effectively is the need for vast amount of data for  training and testing the algorithms which is a limitation in  pharma/biotech industry either due to reluctance in sharing  data or non-availability or highly variable data. A hybrid  AI approach can transform the static system to a dynamic  adaptive one where sophisticated AI/ML algorithms can be  integrated to mechanistic/semi-mechanistic systems biology models to boost physiological relevance. A platform which  learns massively from the historical datasets, utilizes AI/ML  approaches to fill in missing data, validates the outcomes  from thousands of datasets, and continuously optimizes  parameters as complexities are introduced is highly desirable and is consistent with the VSL offering. Because of this  highly differentiated infrastructure, it allows the system to  continuously self-tune-and-adapt to provide the scalability  and accuracy to predictions, consequently shortening the  translational gap. 

Preclinical to Clinical Translation‑Submission Opportunities 

Drug developers seek to advance drug candidates in their  pipeline from discovery to first in human trials in the context  of safety and efficacy. To determine a safe, well-tolerated,  and efficacious dose in humans, researchers first need to run  a gamut of experiments on animals. The animal experiments  attempt to predict human PK profiles, interpret toxicity outcomes, and anticipate drug-drug interactions to minimize the  risks and safety issues presented to treating human patients.  These experiments provide the drug developers with enough  data to support a successful IND application, granting the  developer permission to administer the drug product to  humans. A strong IND application includes pivotal 14- or  28-day toxicity studies in 2 different species, one of which  is typically a larger-sized species such as a dog or monkey. These experiments are extremely costly and can last  over 4 months each when all procedural aspects of dosing,  recovery, reporting, and auditing are included. Because these  experiments are so costly and time-consuming, researchers  base their trial design on data obtained from Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetic (DMPK) experiments performed  on small rodents, such as mice or rats. DMPK data provides  critical guidance for choosing the correct species and dos age for the pivotal longer-term toxicity studies. Each animal  model has strengths and weaknesses, and their importance  can vary depending on the indication and the drug’s mechanism of action. 

An AI-enabled platform has the potential to interject at  any stage of drug development starting from early proof of-concept studies to clinical trials. Insights generated from  the platform from these stages can be used in the “front loading” late-stage drug development datasets in parallel to  discovery-stage outcomes. The following insights resulting  from the platform include, but are not limited to: prediction  of drug disposition across different routes of administration;  modeling drug disposition as a function of drug-specific  parameters; prediction of compound safety and efficacy by  modeling signaling pathways associated with drug targets  and validating with associated biomarkers; optimizing dos ing strategies based on desired PK/PD outcomes; prediction of multi-species PK from a chemically diverse set of  compounds within 3-fold of the industry standards; and finally, translating outcomes from in vivo preclinical subjects to humans using parameterization to drug-specific and  species-specific parameters. 

Cloud services are typically, but not always, required for  the various AI platforms. Companies such as Exscentia,  Valo Health, Recursion Pharmaceutics, and VSL take advantage of the cloud and cloud services. The VSL computing  environment is entirely hosted and facilitated by Amazon  Web Services (AWS). VSL uses a variety of AWS services  including virtual server hosting, storage, database hosting,  and networking. VSL virtual servers are organized by use  case and by computing demand within the AWS platform, separated into multiple clouds. These servers are the drivers behind the technologies underlying BIOiSIMTM, such  as whole-body simulations, machine learning modeling,  and web portals. The virtual servers used within AWS are  fully scalable, as are the VSL software systems designed  to run on them. This allows for the execution of millions  of simulations, when necessary, run on on-demand virtual  machines. Networking systems used by VSL are protected  by the firewalls standard throughout the AWS product, as  well as access settings specified in infrastructure that only  allow as much access as is necessary for the operation of  VSL’s systems. Internal AWS systems are also protected by  VSL-maintained Virtual Private Networks, providing access  to only those explicitly allowed into each cloud network  defined by VSL. Access to VSL systems is provided on a  least-privileged basis, only providing as much access as is  necessary to perform job functions. This process is defined  by documented policy, and access and revocation requests  are requested by a standard form and recorded for review. 

Pumas-AI ( introduced the Pumas soft ware which brings all tasks required to perform modeling  and simulation projects into one integrated tool. Scientists  can wrangle data, explore data, calculate non-compartmental  parameters, build non-linear mixed-effects (NLME) models,  perform diagnostics including graphing, simulate clinical  trials, and conduct statistical analyses. Recently, Pumas-AI  has made advances in NLME by integrating it with deep  learning to form neural-embedded non-linear mixed-effects  (NENLME) models (  and created a tool called DeepPumasTM ( 

company/scientist-machine-learning/). These models are  configured to embed neural networks into existing NLME  structures, allowing for domain knowledge to serve as a prior  to drastically reduce the amount of data required to train  the neural networks compared to typical methods of direct  usage of machine learning to replace the NLME models. The  applications of DeepPumasTM range from drug discovery,  optimizing manufacturing controls, identifying non-responders, detecting influential genomic markers, pharmacoeconomics, and safety surveillance.

AI‑Enabled Use Cases 

The probability of technical success (PTOS) of preclinical  and clinical investigations and trials is critical for researchers both in the biopharma and the healthcare industry for  the evaluation of a go or no-go decision on a drug, fundamental scientific insights, and the best treatment option for  the patients. Without real-time estimates of the PTOS, most  pharmaceutical companies end up investing immense time  and resources in generating valuable preclinical translatable  endpoints. Furthermore, the development of new drugs follows a discrete development pipeline: a series of defined  steps that must be cleared prior to reaching clinical trials.  Needless to say, this linear drug development approach is  error prone. Compound failure rates as high as 96% have  been observed using this classical approach spanning different therapeutic areas [10]. The key lies in shortening the  translatability gap. To that end, the VSL hybrid AI-driven  computational platform incorporates physiological phenomena of animals and humans combined with AI that enables  users to accelerate research in drug development and personalized health by parallelizing and streamlining the pro cess. One of the biggest challenges in estimating the success  rate of clinical trials is access to accurate information on  trial characteristics and outcomes. Gathering such data is  expensive, time-consuming, and susceptible to error. VSL  has done exhaustive research and generated insightful out comes for addressing the translational challenges that arise  from the deployment of the classical paradigm in different stages of the drug development pipeline [14–19]. Many AI-enable companies including VSL offer solutions that span from late-stage drug discovery to phase II  clinical trials. These platforms allow seamless integration in  the several stages of drug development to provide a focused  road map and accurate enablement for drug asset maturation  within their programs. The following are some use cases of  AI/ML in MIDD from literature and BIOiSIMTM

Predicting Drug‑Drug Interactions (DDI) with AI/ML‑Driven  Platform, BIOiSIMTM: PK Modeling and Simulation  of Enzyme Engagement and Target Interaction: a Promising  Approach 

Concomitant administration of drugs can lead to drug-drug  interactions (DDI) if one of them has the potential to inhibit  or induce an enzyme that is critical to the distribution and  elimination of another. DDIs can affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs in patients receiving polytherapy, which can  increase the risk of reduced safety or efficacy as victim  drug concentrations exceed the maximum acceptable levels  or fall below the therapeutic range. AI-driven platform is  capable of predicting DDI via simulation of drug engagement with critical enzymes responsible for drug absorption (p-glycoprotein) and metabolism (Cytochrome P450). A  PBPK model that is meant for evaluating DDI risk simultaneously solves the differential equations of both drugs generating the outcoming changes of the PK profiles. Clearance  of a victim drug is predicted as reduced or increased due to  loss or gain of active enzyme arising from reversible inhibition, time-dependent inhibition, or induction. BIOiSIMTM platform can predict the intrinsic clearance of the victim  drug in various situations, including the absence or presence of inhibitors or inducers, changes in the abundance of  an enzyme isoform due to mechanism-based inhibition, and  the presence of an inducer. Additionally, predicting drug drug interactions (DDIs) resulting from target engagement  can be accomplished by comparing the association (Ka)  and dissociation (Kd) contents of multiple drugs, which can  determine potential perpetrator and victim compounds and  suggest potential changes in their efficacy, a critical factor  in the drug development stages in given therapeutic area.

Effects of Magnesium, Calcium, and Aluminum Chelation  on Fluoroquinolone Absorption Rate and Bioavailability:  a QSPR‑Based Computational Study; BIOiSIMTM: Use Case 

Reduction of drug efficacy after co-administration of oral  drugs is one of the frequent challenges faced during formulation development leading to a substantial decrease in  therapeutic efficiency. Due to the interaction of antimicrobial  agents belonging to the class fuoroquinolones with bivalent metal ions present in some therapeutics, their bioavailability and absorption rate may be lowered by up to 90%.  Therefore, elaboration of the appropriate beneficial drug  formulation requires significant resources and time, hence  resulting in substantially prolonged path to the final drug  product. Computational approaches can provide detailed  structural and mechanistic insight into quinolones and their  metal complexes. BIOiSIMTM has been utilized to simulate  the effects of fuoroquinolone and metal complexation on  absorption rate through a combined molecular and pharmacokinetic modeling study. Quantum mechanical calculations  elucidated binding energies between fuoroquinolones and  cations, which were leveraged to predict the magnitude of  reduced bioavailability via a quantitative structure–property  relationship (QSPR). The fundamental challenge was to  examine what benefits computational approaches can bring  for simulation and prediction of the drug pharmacokinetic profile, thus helping reduce the time and cost of drug formulation development studies and avoid the loss of potentially  helpful medicines. 

Quantum mechanical computations were implemented  for molecular modeling of interactions between fuoroquinolone structures and bivalent and trivalent metal ions [15].  The necessary geometry optimization was performed using  the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) method (a generalized gradient approximation), the 6–31G(d) basis set, and the D3  dispersion correction with Becke–Johnson dampening. Those  QSPR modeling procedures require the presence of values for  a series of specific physicochemical and pharmacokinetic  parameters for the development of quantum descriptors. AI/ ML model training across a vast dataset of experimental data  was deployed to predict those features for 13 fuoroquinolone  drugs and their combination with salts of aluminum, calcium,  and magnesium. Therefore, joint efforts of QSPR modeling  and AI/ML predictions helped inform clinical pharmaceutical formulation design, allowing de-risking of possible dietary effects and anticipating possible drug-drug interactions earlier  stages of the drug development pipeline. 

AI‑Powered Prediction of Species‑Specific PK Profiles  and BBB Permeability for Drug Candidates; BIOiSIMTM Use  Case 

The prediction of the PK profile of experimental drug candidates is a routine process that entails utilizing an AI module  integrated with a PBPK model and a drug database. Since  the PK predictions of small molecule drugs are independent of their therapeutic area and mechanism of action, we  deployed BIOiSIM which was utilized in multiple projects  to forecast PK profiles for humans and various animal species, including mice, rats, dogs, and non-human primates.  The accuracy of typical drug compounds meeting the basic  requirement of the Lipinski rule of 5 usually falls into  3-fold discrepancies with experimental observables. Some  approaches can aid in improving the simulation accuracy  results via potential improvements to the mechanistic model,  which can give further insight into compound success and  failure. PK simulation for highly lipophilic compounds is  usually hindered due to peculiarities of the distribution, and  implementation of BIOiSIM’s capacity helped to predict  PK behavior of a set of NOX4 inhibitors, characterized by  extremely high LogP value. BIOiSIM generated and ranked  in silico PK predictions from structural data of the NOX4  compounds based on their concentration in plasma and tar get tissues such as the lung, kidney, heart, liver, and skin. PK  predictions were based on area under the curve (AUC) and  total clearance (CL) values that were indicative of the potential benefits and/or liabilities of the compound PK profiles  [20]. Cross-species scaling made it possible to extrapolate  drug PK profiles in mice into human species indicating the  translatability potential of the test drugs. 

AI/ML‑Driven Simulations of Drug PD Properties: Model  Training, Predictions, and Translatability for Novel Drug  Candidates; BIOiSIMTM Use Case 

In contrast to PK predictions, the AI-based simulations of  drug PD properties, such as potency and efficacy under in vitro and in vivo conditions, necessitate particular model  training for each pathway or target. All machine learning driven PD studies follow a comparable workflow that  begins with descriptor development and analysis, followed  by model development using different algorithms like sup port vector machines, decision trees, LightGradientBoost,  CatBoost, and XGBoost, among others [21]. The successful implementation of BIOiSIM enabled the prediction of  IC50 and ED50 for novel drug class candidates inhibiting  NOX4 enzymes for both intravenous and inhalation routes of  administration. The results demonstrated a ranking of drug  efficacy that revealed the most powerful compounds interact ing with the targets in the skin and lung tissue, respectively.  The modeling and simulation of PK/PD assisted in translating efficacy predictions from preclinical to potential clinical results. For the execution of the project devoted to the  prediction of the antitumor drug activity, ML models were  trained against small datasets comprising 50 in vitro data  entries and less than 20 in vivo results. By employing back imputation to the training dataset, VSL created an algorithm  that could predict the ED50 of compounds, which showed  efficacy, with more confidence than the less effective com pounds. Out of the few hundred predicted efficacy results,  64% of them aligned with the observed value within a 3-fold  range, 24% had predictions that were outside of a 3-fold  range but within a 10-fold range, and 12% had predicted  values that went beyond a 10-fold range. The BIOiSIM plat form was successfully used to predict drug efficacy, even  skipping in vitro potency components, which was demonstrated in the simulation of the analgesic activity exerted by  NAV1.7 antagonists. Despite the ML model being trained  with disproportionate in vivo data that had 80% experimental responses above the limit of quantitation, the predicted  ED50 values showed an agreement with observed values  within 3-fold for 88% of the compounds, which instilled confidence in the predicted PD profile for over 500 compounds.  Drug candidates were grouped into 3 tiers based on potency  (tier 1, ED50 < 3 mg/kg; tier 2, 3 ≤ ED50 10 ≤ mg/kg; and  tier 3, ED50 > 10 mg/kg). 

Assessing CD8 Cell Penetration in Advanced Solid  Tumors 

Immunotherapy is a recent advancement in cancer therapy  where the immune system is trained to remove cancerous  cells using T-lymphocytes. Response to immunotherapy is  heterogeneous across patients, and therefore, identifying  patient subpopulations who might or might not respond  to therapy is a challenge [22]. It is hypothesized that there  are signatures in the images of tumors that might predict  the treatment response. Radiomics is a new and emerging  image analysis technique that automatically extracts several  texture and shape features from medical images that are not usually visible to the human eye [23]. A combination of  some or all these features can be evaluated as a potential  biomarker using ML to be correlated to clinical outcomes,  such as treatment response. This example sought to examine  if ML could be used to in advanced uncurable solid tumors  to identify biomarkers in medical images that can predict  treatment response for individualized therapy. A prospective clinical trial was conducted to assess if high-throughput  genomic analysis in patients with advanced solid tumors can  improve clinical outcomes [24]. Computed tomography (CT)  image data and RNA-sequencing genomic data were retrospectively collected from the said trial for the purpose of this  analysis [22]. Using 78 radiomic features extracted from the  CT image and 5 binary variables for tumor location, an ML  algorithm, namely elastic net regression, was fitted to identify a biomarker signature that best predicted tumor infiltration. ML pinned down 5 radiomic features and 3 tumor location variables that best predicted infiltration of CD8 cells.  This identified radiomic signature was validated on external  data and provided adequate prediction performance on different types of clinical outcomes, such as tumor infiltration,  progression free survival, and CD8 gene expression. 

Cohort Search Using Prospective Inclusion‑Exclusion  Criteria 

Recruitment of patients in clinical trials is very expensive  and time-consuming [25]. With the rising availability of  electronic health record (EHR) data, cohorts can be prospectively defined, and their feasibility can be explored.  These cohort definitions can then be translated to inclusion exclusion criteria written in protocols to be subsequently  implemented in clinical trials. However, creating cohort  queries based on traditional methods is subjective, requires  subject matter expertise, and is technically infeasible making  cohort search extremely challenging for clinicians. Natural  language processing (NLP) methods can be used to convert  plain unstructured text into structured data representations  depending on the question intended to solve, which can then  be used for any number of tasks such as text classification and labeling content. The emphasis of this example was to  develop a natural language interface (NLI) that can automatically identify subjects eligible for a clinical trial based on  prospective inclusion-exclusion criteria. Criteria2Query is  an open-source NLI ( that takes as input the prospective inclusion-exclusion  criteria in plain text format and outputs cohort queries. Queries can be used to search EHR for identifying subjects who  might be eligible for a clinical trial. The tool first converts  the plain text inclusion-exclusion criteria into structured data  representations by labeling them as one of the several top ics including but not limited to words, phrases, or sentences  being a measurement (serum creatinine), condition (for e.g.,  chronic heart failure), value (for e.g., 18 to 70 years of age),  drug name or class (for e.g., cephalosporins), or temporal  relationship (for e.g., current depressive episode greater than  6 months), called as information extraction. The information  is then processed to formulate a structured query language  (SQL) query than can be used to search EHR and understand  if there are patients that meet the criteria being planned. 

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Trial Enrichment 

Approximately 50% of BED trials have failed to show a  separation between treatment and placebo. One of the main  reasons for negative trial outcomes is because of placebo  response—a clinically significant reduction in the BED  symptomology in patients receiving placebo. Excluding  placebo responders at the beginning of the trial can help  with increased PTOS. This example was centered around  the question of whether BED trials could be enriched by  identifying placebo responders at baseline. Data from 12  prospective trials that evaluated different treatments for BED  was collected retrospectively for this meta-analysis [26]. For  identifying moderators of placebo response, the kinds of  information such as baseline disease severity, diagnosis of  co-morbid psychiatric conditions, and patient demographics  were used as inputs, and ML models were fitted. The final  model identified baseline disease severity and a co-morbid  diagnosis of general anxiety disorder to be the most important predictors of placebo response. Using model interpretation approaches, such as Shapley analysis, cut-of for baseline disease severity that best separates placebo responders  and non-responders was identified. This model can potentially be used for enriching BED trials to increase the PTOS  of such trials by excluding placebo responders. 

Modeling Natural Disease Progression  

in Huntington’s Disease (HD) 

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder  that lasts several decades until death [27]. HD is complex  because it is protracted over multiple years with gradually  changing symptomology depending on the disease state.  Multistate models can be built on longitudinal natural history data collected from observational studies to characterize  the disease progression. Once described, the signatures (or  latent variables) provided by the model can be correlated to  any number of clinical outcomes and can potentially be useful in the design and analysis of clinical trials [28, 29]. This  example focused on the development of a disease progression model of HD using a large patient database for patient  selection to in HD trials. Motor, cognitive, and functional  measure data totaling up to 44 assessments collected longitudinally in four large observational studies was consolidated resulting in more than 25,000 patients. A multistate model called a continuous time hidden Markov model that  can handle longitudinal data collected at irregular timepoints  was built on the 9 latent variables extracted from the 44  assessments. The model described the disease as consisting  of 9 disease states. The ML method was able to discern patterns that might not be apparent to clinical observation. For  example, the model identified that occupation score started  worsening as early as stage 2 and that it is an early indicator  of functional impairment. This model is a signal extraction  method, in that signals extracted from the model can be correlated with any number of clinical outcomes and can also  be potentially used for enriching HD trials by identifying  patient subpopulations [27]. 

Improving Pharmacometric Models by Integrating  Machine Learning into Modeling Workflows 

Tumor growth dynamics (TGD) and overall survival (OS)  are frequently modeled in cancer therapies using non-linear  mixed effect modeling approaches and parametric/semi-parametric survival models respectively. Prognostic scenarios  can then be simulated using these models to identify an optimal course of action. For example, TGD and OS model for nivolumab was used to simulate different dosing regimens,  and a new regimen that could reduce healthcare burden (by  increasing the dosing interval) was identified without com promising on safety and efficacy [30]. In TGD models, for  each parameter that is estimated, there might be tens or hundreds of covariates that can help explain the between-subject  variability, and in the OS models, there might be a large  number of covariates that are required to be evaluated to  predict time to mortality. Using traditional stepwise covariate methods for identifying covariates becomes prohibitively  cumbersome when there are tens or hundreds of covariates.  ML models can help with covariate selection with ease and  can scale up to hundreds of thousands of covariates. This  example focused on identifying the prognostic and predictive factors associated with OS and parameters of the TGD  model. The data for this analysis was part of the JAVELIN Gastric 100 trial [31]. Two separate ML analyses were con ducted: one for OS and one for TGD31. For OS, 89 time dependent and time-independent covariates were evaluated  using the Boruta method on the random forest (RF) algorithm [31]. The covariates identified as important using the  ML models and physiological plausibility were used to build  the parametric time to event model. For TGD, 52 covariates  were evaluated to be a potential predictor for each empirical Bayes estimate (EBE) of each model parameter. Using  the relative importance obtained from Shapley analysis,  covariates were selected to be included in the final TGD  model. The ML analysis for both TGD and OS models did  not identify the treatment effect as an important covariate;  therefore, patient subpopulation that might benefit from the  treatment was not identified that was consistent with the literature [32]. The covariate selection method for both models  was performed in one step each making the ML method time efficient. 

Potential ROI Comparison and Collaboration 

Return on investment (ROI) can be generally defined as  a performance metric used to evaluate the outcome of an  investment or compare the outcomes of several investments.  A high ROI means the investment’s gains compare favorably  to its cost. In the context of evaluating MIDD approaches  and paradigms, ROI can provide a quantitative comparison of both resource savings (e.g., time and cost savings  in trials and regulatory submissions) and operational costs  (FTE, outsourcing, hardware/software, etc.) (see Table III for representative resource partition for a traditional MIDD  approach). ROI from an industry perspective is very clear  and growing as MIDD has the great potential to reduce R&D  cost by allowing go/no-go decisions to be made earlier,  obviating the need for certain clinical trials and enabling  comparisons to be made between new drug candidates and  potential competitors, so accurate market share assessments  can be produced. The comparison between traditional and  AI-led approaches is difficult because there have not been  adequate deployments of an end-to-end, AI-based MIDD  approach. Individual narrow efforts look very promising,  however. For instance, rank ordering compounds using AI driven MIDD require less than a month effort that could  potentially save millions of dollars in performing several  experiments and years of time. It can be used as an effective  screen in order to reduce the number of wasted cycles, hav ing only computationally validated compounds go through  live animal testing before being sent to clinical trials. This  should speed up time and drive down cost savings tremendously. Furthermore, new programs can leverage the massive information collected over the past few decades to not  only add differentiation but also potentially gain millions of  dollars in commercial value. It will take more investment  and integration of AI/ML into the drug development efforts  of a few early adopters to judge whether this aspiration ROI  

matches reality, but the premise seems reasonable. One step in the process of early adoption is the co-investment in collaborations. Pharmaceutical sponsors small and  large have recognized the necessity to co-invest in AI/ML  technologies and, while the level of investment varies across  companies most recognize that some level of in-house sup port is necessary along with collaboration with academic  experts as well as others in the field for which discussions in  the precompetitive space can be held. The Machine Learn ing for Pharmaceutical Discovery and Synthesis Consortium  (MLPDS; brings together computer  scientists, chemical engineers, and chemists from MIT with  scientists from member companies to create new data science and artificial intelligence algorithms along with tools  to facilitate the discovery and synthesis of new therapeutics.  MLPDS educates scientists and engineers to work efectively at the data science/chemistry interface and provides  opportunities for member companies and MIT to collectively  create, discuss, and evaluate new advances in data science  for chemical and pharmaceutical discovery, development,  and manufacturing. 

Specific research topics within the consortium include  synthesis planning; prediction of reaction outcomes, conditions, and impurities; prediction of molecular properties;  molecular representation, generation, and optimization (de  novo design); and extraction and organization of chemical  information. The algorithms are developed and validated on  public data and then transferred to member companies for  application to proprietary data. All members share intellectual property and royalty free access to all developments. 


The MIDD approach is well entrenched in the current drug  development paradigm both from innovators seeking to  develop new drugs and new drug targets and regulators who  

The AAPS Journal (2023) 25:70  

must judge the suitability of evidentiary proof that proposed  new treatments are both safe and efficacious. The current  approach is highly dependent on quantitative scientists  with expertise in various forms of modeling and simulation methodologies, a suite of software solutions that permit the development, codification, and validation of discrete  models that de-risk decision-making and a modern compute  environment to house the software and model libraries so  that such resources can be maintained in a secure, Part 11  compliant manner and share among its practitioners. Most  importantly, the current MIDD approach relies on buy-in  from senior leaders within the organization and favorable  interactions with regulatory authorities. Likewise, as the  approach evolves and certainly if considerations for an AI 

enabled approach are put forward, these interactions will  require revisiting with additional education and performance confirmation. 

The field is constantly evolving requiring additional  skillsets and expertise as well as diverse software solutions,  customized and secure compute platforms, and new methodologies and approaches. Sponsors likewise appreciate that  investment in MIDD is similarly evolving and growing. As  the industry constantly seeks more efficient and cost-effective solutions, MIDD is not immune to this scrutiny. Much  of the recent effort to improve the efficiency of MIDD is  based on improved access to integrated data sources, creating libraries of model elements that can be shared and  combined as needed and improving the compute platform to  ensure that relevant tools and software solutions can coexist  on the same platform. Little has been done to alter the data  or model types that inform the commonly held critical deci sions as outlined in Fig. 1 and Table I. 

Artificial intelligence has received much interest of late  as a complementary tool to answer specific drug development questions, and pharmaceutical sponsors have been both  dedicating internal resources and investing in external partnerships to enhance their knowledge and expertise in this  discipline [33]. An outgrowth of this interest has been the  submission of some of these efforts to regulatory authorities.  As recent work suggests [34], the number of these submissions has increased dramatically recently allowing authorities to gain an understanding of the diversity of applications  that might support drug development and judge the useful ness of the approach for regulatory decision-making. Some  positive outcomes from this early experience include the  generation of early thoughts on guiding principles and the  development of consortiums and shared resources[35, 36].  While these are early days in the process of getting comfort able with the approach and gaining confidence in the application, it is also an opportunity to assess future regulatory  requirements for submission of such AI/ML implementations considering how transformative the approach could  be in a more coordinated manner. Early regulatory guidance [37, 38] suggests that regulatory authorities are also anticipating broader utilization. 

A future, but hopefully near-term effort should include  the consideration of AI/ML application as either a complementary or entirely self-sufficient approach to support an  MIDD paradigm. Early adopters of the approach tend to  compartmentalize the effort into certain drug development  sectors [12, 39] but few have considered this as an end-to end solution. Moreover, the approach is still being compared  to traditional MIDD efforts, specifically around the com parison of AI/ML prediction against specific model types  (PBPK, PK/PD, CTS, etc.) and not around the data types  and dimensions that would inform the various approaches or  whether a revamped approach considering the optimal information value (driven by data and models) needed to guide  regulatory milestones. Clearly, the path forward involves  collaboration and open mind with respect to optimized  and informative data generation coupled with tools that  can be utilized with high fidelity based on mutually agreed  and objective performance criteria. Remaining challenges  will continue to include education and confidence building  among non-AI quantitative scientists and decision-makers  as well as the continued generation of compelling use cases. 

Authors Contribution All authors contribute to the writing of the manuscript and the editing. JB, JV, and RG created the outline of the paper  and JG and SB provided use case summaries. 

Data Availability Data generated herein for this analysis is based on  literature and web review but is available from the PI upon request. 


Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests. 

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long  as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,  provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes  were made. The images or other third party material in this article are  included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated  otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in  the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not  permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will  need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a  copy of this licence, visit 


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The authors confirm that Jefrey S. Barrett, PhD, FCP, is the PI  responsible for this research and analysis.

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